About Dr Thomas Dewar
Specialist Skin Cancer GP
Dr Thomas Dewar is an experienced General Practitioner and Rural Generalist who has worked in Central Victoria since 2013.
He has a special interest in skin cancer and has extensive further training and experience in this field. Dr Dewar has assisted plastic surgeons to refine his procedural ability and has undertaken further training in non-malignant skin conditions.
In addition to working with Sandhurst Plastic Surgery and Dermatology Dr Dewar is employed at Bendigo Health in the High Risk Skin Cancer Clinic managing patients with complex skin cancer issues. He is involved in skin cancer research and quality improvement, particularly in the interface between primary care and hospital services.
Dr Dewar provides a skin cancer surveillance service as well as rapid access to expert assessment and management of new skin lesions, undertaking biopsy, removal or escalation of care either within the Sandhurst Plastic Surgery and Dermatology team or externally if required. He is experienced in excision of head and neck skin cancers, non-surgical management of skin cancer and removal of benign lesions such as epidermoid (sebaceous) cysts.
A referral is not required to see Dr Dewar and patients can be seen regardless of insurance status. Referrers can contact info@sandhurstplasticsurgery.com with referral queries, photographs are appreciated.
Quick Insight:
Skin Cancer Diagnosis and Management (Australasian College of Dermatology)
General Practitioner (GP)
Employed at Sandhurst Plastic Surgery and Dermatology and Bendigo Health in the High-Risk Skin Cancer Clinic